Take care of your smile by flossing once and brushing twice daily. It’s a simple practice but it’s worth it!
“I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite.”
– Buddy the Elf
Take care of your smile by flossing once and brushing twice daily. It’s a simple practice but it’s worth it!
“I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite.”
– Buddy the Elf
We focus on positive experiences at the dentist. Explaining step by step with a Tell, Show, Do approach.
If a procedure must be done we offer nitrous oxide, “laughing gas” to reduce anxiety.
Life gives us hiccups sometimes. If you experience a dental related trauma or have a broken or painful tooth, call us to find the best way to resolve the problem.
Dr. Yang loves making new friends through pediatric dentistry. Each smile matters and she genuinely cares about your teeth and finding the best way to keep them healthy.